Thank god it's all over, till next year!
Oh My!
How Christmas comes around so quickly.
And just like each and every other year, I wasn’t ready for it.
Panic stations once again on Christmas Eve.
Why do I do this? Why do I torture myself with worry? why do I leave the last of my gift shopping for the 24th? … These questions I ask myself every year. And every year comes with a different excuse.
Didn’t want to wait in the long lay-by lines…
Didn’t have the money at the time…
There just wasn’t enough time…
Ha! Eleven months wasn’t enough?
Guess not!
Each year there are excuses as to why I didn’t start my Christmas shopping earlier.
If I buy it now, it may not fit them by Christmas.
Let’s face it, ‘I’m a Christmas Eve shop-aholic’
Hold on, did I say “last of my gift shopping /on Christmas Eve”? What am I talking about? Christmas Eve, was, is and I think always will be the start of my Gift shopping, none of that last minute Christmas shopping stuff for me, It’s first & fast minute shopping all done on the one day > Christmas Eve.
Who knows? Maybe this New Year I might make a New Years Resolution and start my Christmas ‘gift’ shopping earlier through out the year…Haha!
Have a Happy New Year & Stay Safe!....Hope it's a great year for you all....God Bless!!