G’day Hey! Have you ever thought about this? If you had the opportunity tomorrow, to take with you, about 20 people and up to10 items to a Planet of your choice, (other than earth) Where would that be? Who would you take? And, What would you take with you? Mine would be! … Where? … 1/ Pluto, It’s apparently the only planet that hasn’t been visited by spacecraft, so we’re gonna be the first to do it! …Woohoo!! Who? … 1/ My Hubby, have to start populating it...
Oh My! How Christmas comes around so quickly. And just like each and every other year, I wasn’t ready for it. Panic stations once again on Christmas Eve. Why do I do this? Why do I torture myself with worry? why do I leave the last of my gift shopping for the 24th? … These questions I ask myself every year. And every year comes with a different excuse. Didn’t want to wait in the long lay-by lines… Didn’t have the money at the time… There just wasn’t enough time… Ha! Eleven mont...
G'day all, Thought I'd just pop on to see how this site works. My names Roo and I live here in Australia, in the western suburbs of Sydney. Hope to have a blog up and running soon, would love for you all to call back at a later date and check it out. For this very moment now though, I'd like to take this appitunity to wish you all A very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Safe New Year! Cheers!! (ohhh that's sounds so New Zealand like... grrr) ...Roo